Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advanced Financial Accounting Assignment - Accounting by employers for Essay

Advanced Financial Accounting Assignment - Accounting by employers for employees' retirement benefits - Essay Example Actual returns on plan assets are reduced from this pension cost for purpose of its recognition on income statement. SSAP 24 requires that pension cost is the long term funding costs that is evaluated by actuaries and should be spread over the total period in order to smoothen the cost from year to year. Similarly actuary evaluated scheme surpluses are also spread out over the total period and the net charge of each year is expressed as percentage of payroll. On the other hand the approach under FRS 17 emphasis that ‘what is shown as the cost in the profit and loss account is the cost of buying one year’s benefits for the scheme members i.e., the benefit accrued during the current accounting period.’(Standard Life, page 4)1 SSAP 24 requires that a consistent valuation method be used to calculate best estimate of pension cost, and a regular and standard contribution rate is computed to meet the estimated pension costs. Surplus or deficits of pension costs are spread out over remaining working lifetime of current memberships. But SSAP 24 does not specify any amortization method. With the result there were prepayments on balance sheets when the company was in deficit and provisions when the company was in surplus. Accordingly a number of dubious assets and liabilities used to be created on application of this standard rate. Balance sheet was therefore not a fair representation of assets and liabilities under the pension plan. With implementation of FRS 17 ‘this spreading or accrual based approach was abandoned and instead proper recording of balance sheet assets and liabilities has become the focus of revised accounting standard.’(Robert Kirk, page 237)2 Every year the actual returns on plan assets are compared with the expected returns on plan assets. The expected return is generally equal to the fair value of the plan assets at the beginning of the period multiplied by the expected

Monday, October 28, 2019

Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us Essay Example for Free

Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us Essay Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us BY shaker71493 Jacob Nieuwenhuis Contemporary Issues MSR 10 March 2010 Universal Health Care in the United States Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep. His cupidity may at some time point be satisfied; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. -C. S. Lewis (1898 1963) The issue of universal health care taking over the present health care system has become a heated topic all over America. With President Obamas promise to pass a bill that will give government coverage to all Americans, most people were happy that health care would become more affordable for them. But is this the case? There has been a stiff opposition to the passing of any bill of this kind throughout the entire process, but the longer a bill stays in circulation the more time people have to form an opinion on the issue. With the law in effect now the issue now turns to if this will e better off for America in the long run, and if there is any good to such a system. History has a lot to say about socialized medicine. There have been many countries, not only socialistic countries which have used a public method of offering medicine. A few of these countries are Great Britain, Canada, France, Australia, and also the European system. These systems will be analyzed from their roots up i n order to see whether they were successes or failures. The National Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain, which was created on July 5, 1948, is the worlds largest publicly funded health service ever. As can be seen on the diagram, the NHS is divided into two sections: primary and secondary care. Primary care is the first point of contact for most people and is delivered by a wide range of independent service providers, including general practitioners, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists. Secondary care is known as acute healthcare and can be either elective care or emergency care. Elective care means planned specialist medical care or surgery, usually following referral from a primary or community health professional such as a general practitioner. In this system there are a lot of different trusts (refer to iagram). These trusts are where the money is sent for certain types of care. The main trusts are the Primary care trusts. Primary care trusts (PCTs) are in charge of primary care and have a major role around commissioning secondary care, providing community care services. They are the main core to the NHS and control 80% of the NHS budget. Green, did a report on the effects of preventive care in Great Britain for diseases such as circulatory disease and cancer. His main focus was on the circulatory system and the conclusion of his reports states that: The main findings can be summarized as follows. The I-JK has a poor record of preventing death from diseases of the circulatory system. After allowing for the different age structure of each country in the European Union, the I-JK death rate from circulatory diseases for persons aged less than 65 was ranked thirteenth out of the 15 countries studied. There are many negative aspects of the NHS. There are stunning reports of people who didnt get care, or who waited for months in order to get prevented care. One example of a terrible thing that happened recently in Great Britain was a cancer patient who had to wait for 62 weeks before starting treatment. Patients were outraged by this. They said that for some cancer patients with slow growing tumors could wait that long but that it is atrocious that someone would have to wait that long to receive any type of care at all. It was compared side by side with a case from 20 years earlier, when Heather Goodare was diagnosed with the same problem and eceived treatment within two weeks after first being diagnosed. The European system has run into a lot of obstacles over the years, mostly financial. There is currently a 5 percent to 8 percent increase in expenses per year in real terms, resulting in enormous deficits and even greater problems when the rate of unemployment rises. When employment rates improve, the deficits are eased be cause more taxes come in to pay for care. But as soon as employment falls again (which is common everywhere right about now), deficits come back. A common method used for getting over this deficit is rationing care and restricting use of high ost preventive cares such as CAT scans. Sometimes this is only towards people who meet a certain criteria, e. g. the elderly. This can only be bad for the consumer. Michael Tanner sums this up nicely in his article condemning socialized medicine in the U. S. : The Europeans have run into a very simple economic rule. If something is for it. Think of it this way: if food were free, would you eat hamburger or steak? At the same time, health care is a finite good. There are only so many doctors, so many hospital beds and so much technology. If people over consume those resources, it drives up the cost of health care. All the countries in Europe have this health care system. There are, however, three countries in Europe that allow their citizens to opt out of the official system and to take with a tax credit for the money they paid to the official system, to purchase private insurance in the health market. These countries are Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. In those countries, citizens do not have to pay twice in order to acquire private health insurance. The systems of these three countries are important in that they may point the way to a solution for the current financial problems Western health care systems are experiencing. This private plan is more expensive but reachable for at least a third of the population. For the most part, people in Europe are happy with the health care they receive. In the Netherlands there is a basic plan that everyone can buy (it is not a government mandate). This covers things such as broken limbs, emergency room visits Oust the visit), and seeing general practitioners. On top of this, a person may buy whatever premium add-ons they want. An example of an add-on is dental and orthodontic care. With this add-on all the people in the household of the insurance buyer receive ull dental care as well as braces for all the children of the family. Trudy Rubin, who is a Philadelphia Inquirer opinion columnist, says that the United States is not learning valuable lessons from the European system of healthcare. She addresses the three myths that she thinks are thought to be believed as fact. She takes these myths from an excerpt from T. R. Reid. The three myths are as follows: Myth No. 1, he says, is that foreign systems with universal coverage are all socialized medicine. In countries such as France, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan, the coverage is universal while doctors and insurers are private. Individuals get their insurance through their workplace, sharing the premium with their employer as we do and the government picks up the premium if they lose their Job. Myth No. 2, which is long waits and rationed care is another whopper. In many developed countries, Reid writes, people have quicker access to care and more choice than Americans do. In France, Germany, and Japan, you can pick any provider or hospital in the country. Care is speedy and high quality, and no one is turned down. Myth No. 3 really grabs my attention: the delusion that countries with universal care are wasteful systems run y bloated bureaucracies. In fact, the opposite is true. Americas for-profit health insurance companies have the highest administrative costs of any developed country. Twenty percent or more of every premium dollar goes to nonmedical costs: paperwork, marketing, profits, etc. If a profit is to be made, you need an army of underwriters to deny claims and turn down sick people, says Rei d. Canada is another place where health care is run by the government. This came into effect when the parliament unanimously passed the Canadian Health Act in system. Under this law, provinces must ensure that their health care systems respect ive criteria: The first is public administration. This means that the health insurance plans must be administered by a public authority who is accountable to the government. The second is comprehensive benefit. The plan must cover all medically necessary services prescribed by physicians and provided by hospitals. The third is universality. This means all legal residents of the province must be covered. The fourth criterion is portability. Under this, residents continue to be covered if they move or travel from one province to another. And the final criterion is accessibility. This means that services must be made available to all residents on equal terms, regardless of income, age, or ability to pay. The process which a patient goes through to receive health care is very simple. When a person goes to a doctor for any kind of medical treatment they have to present what is called a provincial health card. This is a credit card-looking piece of plastic that lets your physician know you are a legal user of the system

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mystery in Charlotte Brontes Napoleon and the Spectre and Charles Dick

Mystery in Charlotte Bronte's "Napoleon and the Spectre" and Charles Dickens' "Signalman" The two stories that I have been studying are 'Napoleon and the Spectre' and the 'Signalman' written by Charlotte Bronte and Charles Dickens respectively. Both the stories are set in the nineteenth century, a period of time when the country was experiencing rapid change. Bronte's story 'Napoleon and the Spectre' is a story about the Emperor of France who at that time was a leading figure in society, a symbol and trademark of France's important position in the world. Napoleon was a gallant and valiant soldier and he supposedly murdered General Pichegru. In the story Napoleon comes in to contact with a strange supernatural creature who entices him and takes him on a deeply strange tour of the streets of Paris. Napoleon allows himself to be taken on this tour partly due to his courageousness and the fact that the ghost exerts a power over him, encouraging him on with enticing remarks such as, 'Follow me Napoleon and though shall seek more.' With Bronte's story being on one side of the spectrum Dickens is on the other as it tells a completely different type of story. It is once again set in roughly the same period of time when the civilized world was in the middle of a period of great change as the country was gripped in the Industrial Revolution. The Revolution saw the beginning of the steam railway, the introduction of telegraphs and the availability of electricity, all this was the catalyst for the class divide to become more exaggerated, with the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. It was also the period in which people were still generally strict Christians and Catholics, sceptical to anything n... ...r particularly interested in what the eventual outcome of the story will be. I feel it doesn't meet the necessary criteria to be a good short story, it is not entertaining nor exciting, but more a social/historical commentary of that time. Dickens saw it as his role to write about the plight of the poor and under privileged and wanted to encourage people to think about social inequalities. Where 'Signalman' has its short comings, Bronte's 'Napoleon and the Spectre' meets the criteria perfectly, it is short, has the necessary excitement and action to have an impact on the reader, which is what the aim of a short story should be. Bronte sensationalises a public figure and portrays him as a 'bad' man, consequently it could be said that this story also carries a moral in that we should be accountable for our actions no matter what our position in life may be.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Natural America

The institution of marriage has been recognized in Western society for thousands of years. It is most widely recognized as a covenant of religious faith with the first writings referring to marriage occurring in the Bible. Marriage at that time represented a patriarchal family structure (Haeberle, 1981) and it served a distinct purpose – to propagate the human species by joining one man and one woman who were then expected to produce children from the union.Over time, the definition of marriage has changed and as a Western society we no longer think of marriage as a means to procreate. Instead, marriage has become a choice and a willing union between two partners as an expression of their love and commitment. Is the marriage of two same sex partners any less â€Å"natural† than that of their heterosexual counterparts?Going to back to biblical origins, marriage was expected of every single person and there were even cases where one husband enjoyed multiple wives and conc ubines. Marriage was important to keep the human species alive. It was also important for women, in particular, as they had little perceived value in society other than producing children who would keep the man’s family name living long into posterity. Over time, the laws of Israel changed to sanction only monogamy and discourage divorce (Haeberle, 1981).As history progressed, women continued to receive the short end of the stick, so to speak, in that females were not allowed to own property or businesses or be involved in government. The only option for a woman to receive any kind of benefits from society was to marry. Men also enjoyed benefits from marriage, most particularly he was often joined with a woman whose family brought wealth directly to him. Marriage was largely a business proposition up until the 20th century and usually did not take into account personal feelings or emotions.This type of traditional union between a man and woman has survived to the present day even though there is no longer any need to propagate our species or to manage a woman’s possessions or wealth. Instead, Western people are now focused on marrying for love and obtaining a loving partner (at least when marriage is for the right reasons!). But is there really a need for traditional marriage in today’s society? According to Haeberle, marriage survives because â€Å"it is a method for the orderly transmission and conservation of wealth and status†. It is a way to preserve our family lineage, and serves an economic purpose in allowing for inheritance and properties to be passed down to future generations of the same family, thereby keeping wealth confined to blood lines.Certainly a heterosexual union can accomplish these goals as well as receiving official sanction from the majority of religions. Society, as well, accepts and enforces traditional marriages and encourages a set of parents to produce children and cohabitate in a family home. These trad itional families engender faith, trust, and unconditional love and thus embody the core values of Western society.When two partners of the same sex wish to signify their attachment to each other by exchanging vows, their need for these same core values is no less than that of a heterosexual couple. Homosexual partners also marry for love and companionship, based on religious beliefs, often to raise children together, and with the idea that their possessions, wealth and property will be passed down and death benefits given to their life partner. Reverend Ed Evans (from Robinson, 2007) describes a same sex marriage ceremony he performed: â€Å"Then hugs. And kisses. Love was being expressed. Love that finally had found a tiny crack from which to shine.†The biggest difference between same sex and heterosexual couples is that society recognizes the latter type of union. Traditional marriage couples are afforded a legally sanctioned combination of their goods with clear inheritanc e laws as well as life and health insurance and death benefits. Homosexual couples are currently not allowed these privileges in all states of the United States except one, Massachusetts.Not only does our legal system not recognize a same sex union, but the majority of religions do not, either. â€Å"God has a plan for marriage and this isn’t it† according to Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving (from Robinson, 2007). And, from John Stott, who authored a book Same Sex Partnerships, his basis for denigrating such unions is supported by the bible by referring to â€Å"positive teaching in Genesis 1 and 2 about human sexuality and heterosexual marriage† (from Robinson, 2007).However, there are no passages in the Bible which clearly state a prohibition against same sex marriages, although it does condemn prostitution and rituals which involve homosexuality. Thus, â€Å"a religious liberal might thus conclude that gays and lesbians are called by God to either remain cel ibate or to enter into committed, loving, supported relationships — exactly the same lifestyles as God expects of heterosexuals† (Robinson, 2007).For both opponents and proponents in these examples, same sex marriage is not seen as â€Å"unnatural† but merely to be different than the institution we have been traditionally taught to believe is acceptable. Many other societies around the world do not prohibit, and even endorse, homosexual unions (Haeberle, 1981). By defining marriage as a union between two individuals who vow to lend each other their support and love, to create a life together, to work towards the same goals, to raise children (if such a decision is reached), and to share possessions, wealth and property, we can then remove the label of â€Å"same-sex† or â€Å"heterosexual† for it simply does not matter.Some may argue that the divorce rate will be affected by allowing same sex couples to marry in a legal union. â€Å"If marriage mea ns everything, it means absolutely nothing. It will mean nothing to same-sex as well as opposite-sex couples. The current decline of the institution of marriage will be accelerated. Increasing numbers of couples will elect to simply ‘live together’ † (Dobson, from Stanton). Current statistics show divorce rates hovering around 41 – 43% for all marriages; homosexual unions would actually have a higher rate of success if these couples were allowed to legally marry (Stanton, 2007).The United States we live in is a country founded on principles of exploration, the right to defend ourselves and to speak freely, and providing a haven for those who would risk persecution elsewhere. Should not these same principles apply to loving partners of the same sex who wish to marry? It is the civil right of every American citizen to be allowed the freedom to marry the person they love (Robinson, 2007). And, as American citizens, it is our duty to celebrate our differences a nd rejoice in the fact that family values are still alive and well, no matter the type of family.ReferencesHaeberle, Erwin J., Ph.D., Ed.D. (1981). History of Marriage in Western Civilization, The Sex Atlas. Continuum Publishing: New York. Retrieved September 11, 2007, from the Magnus Hirschfield Archive for Sexology Web site:, Erwin J., Ph.D., Ed.D. (1981). Marriage and the Family, The Sex Atlas. Continuum Publishing: New York. Retrieved September 11, 2007, from the Magnus Hirschfield Archive for Sexology Web site:, B. A. (2007). Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, Same-sex Marriages (SSM), civil unions and domestic partnerships. Retrieved September 11, 2007, from the Religious Tolerance Web site:, B. A. (2007). Ontario Consultants on Religiou s Tolerance, Liberal Christian views favoring Same-sex Marriages (SSM), civil unions and domestic partnerships. Retrieved September 11, 2007, from the Religious Tolerance Web site:, Glenn T. (2007). Do Half of All American Marriages Really End in Divorce?, from Focus on the Family. Retrieved September 11, 2007 from the Web site:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My First Morning At School

It was the 17th March 1997. My first day of school. I dragged myself out of bed at 7:30 am. I went to the toilet to wash my face, where I saw a big red spot on my forehead: that was the first sign of bad luck. I heard my mum coming out of her room:, â€Å"Are you ready for your big day?† â€Å"No†, I moaned anxiously, pretending to be sick. â€Å"You are going to school today, so don't even try it!†. My mum could see right through me, and knew I wasn't sick. I was really scared as I stepped through the front gates of what was about to be my new school, counting every step I took. My mum led me to the general office; we were 20 minutes late. I was really scared. I started to shake. My heart started beating twice as fast. I knew all of the children were already inside the classroom. They were going to watch every move I made. We were kept inside the office for about half an hour. Shortly after came a frightening old women with grey hair, who looked remarkably like Cinderella's step mother. She came in and said to my mother, â€Å"Are you Miss Omar?† â€Å"Yes†, my mum said, sounding like a robot boring and repetitive, a blank expression on her face. â€Å"Come follow me. Right this way,† the women said, very happily. My mum and I followed her as she led us to my new classroom. She opened the door really slowly, causing the old and rotten door to make a terrifying noise. This attracted all the students' attention. I was really embarrassed as I stood outside of the classroom. She went in and called the leading classroom teacher outside for a moment, to have a word with my mum. I was told to introduce my mother and myself, and teacher introduced herself; her name was Ms.Willis. I went inside the classroom with my teacher. Even though I was taller than most of them I felt as though I was surrounded by giants. Ms. Willis told everyone to sit on a nasty dirty carpet that had chewing gum all over it, which was at the back of the classroom, and told me to introduce myself to introduce myself to everyone. We were told to sit in alphabetical order: I was told to sit next to three girls. I was really nervous because they kept on looking at my forehead. I got really angry, and said, â€Å"Stop it!† in a really deep and angry voice. They were shocked and had puzzled expressions. My teacher came to me with a blank exercise book and a reading book, â€Å"Can you read?† I nodded my head knowing little of what she meant. â€Å"Read this book for me†, Ms. Willis said. I read the book with an awkward accent. She gave me the exercise book and told me to write my name, maths and 5W, because that was my class's name. It was 12:00 pm. My teacher shouted out, â€Å"Stop what you are doing and line up outside†. I followed everyone as they stopped and lined up outside, and stood at the back of the line. My teacher came out locked the door and led us to this big shiny stairwell. It was so clean and shiny you could see your reflection on the floor. I stepped inside the stairwell: it was reeking of expired food. Every step I took, the smell was getting worse and worse. We finally got inside the dinner hall. It was big: there were 14 long tables inside it. You would have to be quiet to get your lunch but my table was noisy so we didn't get to go first. We eventually got there I felt humiliated by the food the school was offering. It looked like food that was cooked yesterday. That was the final humiliation of the day.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ethics Final Paper Essays

Ethics Final Paper Essays Ethics Final Paper Essay Ethics Final Paper Essay While ethics is an extremely valuable tool to individuals in the field, it can also be a source of conflict (Fisher, 2013). With being a psychologist comes an immense amount of responsibility and pressure to offer the most effective care to those in need. As a result, it is inevitable for psychologists to struggle with this responsibility during some point in his or her professional career. The following fictional case captures this struggle, as well as identifies the crucial role of ethics in maintaining healthy yet professional client relationships. Ethical Case: Dry. Teen is a female psychologist who received a part-time job at Lincoln Park High School. She recently graduated from Northwestern University sys. D. Program, where she had also attended undergraduate school. Dry. Teen was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, and feels strong ties to the city. Thus, after earning a license to practice, she decided to apply for a position as the school counselor of her formal high school. One perk that accompanies working at Lincoln Park High is that she is only required to work part time, allowing her to balance work with her secondary occupation. Additionally, she was excited to return to her high school in order to reestablish relationships with old teachers and administrators who were deeply supportive of her during her troubled past. Dry. Teen has been working at the school for nearly three months, and finds great satisfaction in her work. Lincoln Park High reports an all time high in the number of students currently signed up for counseling. Both male and female students are choosing to seek Dry. Tens counsel, in contrast to past years, in which faculty or parents were forcing students to meet with the school social worker. Dry. Teen is pleasantly surprised by the deep relationships she has established with many of her students. Additionally, she has found that she is even better able to relate to and form connections with her students, compared to her same-age co- workers. She enjoys bonding with her students so much that she is considering working full time at Lincoln High. Since Dry. Teen only works three days a week, her busy schedule often prevents her from meeting with students during the select days she comes into school. Though the school assures her that postponing her appointments is completely understandable, he feels too guilty turning away students. Unbeknown to the school, she occasionally meets with them outside of work on the weekends. Since she lives in the neighborhood directly behind school, she feels her home is the most convenient place for them to meet. Dry. Teen considers her work outside of school to be even more beneficial to students, as it is not in the formal setting, thus, she does not set a time limit on appointments. Plus, Dry. Teen benefits from meetings outside of school, as the students who come to her house often bring her coffee, food, gift certificates, and tokens of appreciation for the additional availability she offers on weekends. Recently, however, Dry. Teen has become very overwhelmed with her counseling duties. In order to foster the most effective therapy for students, she has decided to restrict the students she meets with to the students in which she feels she is able to connect with the most. Coincidentally, many of these select students are young females. Dry. Teen assures the male students that her choice is nothing personal; however, she would rather provide valuable counseling to a few students rather than mediocre counseling to many students. In attempt o alleviate the situation, she has given her personal cell phone number to the students whom she no longer meets with in person, and emphasizes her availability for them to call or text her at any time and for any reason. Dry. Teen has grown particularly close to her student, Anna, who she considers her mini-me. Dry. Teen and Anna share similar experiences, specifically, a car accident that resulted in symptoms of Postgraduates Stress Disorder for the both of them. Although the car accident took place recently for Anna, it occurred over ten years ago for Dry. Teen. Aside from the car accident, Dry. Teen has bonded with Anna on a deeper, friend-level. Occasionally, Dry. Teen shares personal stories about her experiences and relationships during high school in order to make Anna feel comfortable reciprocating her experiences. Dry. Teen feels the only way for students to feel safe confiding in her is for her to confide in students, in return. Depending on the situation, she has elaborated on stories about her partying, drinking, and dating habits of the past. Dry. Teen feels it is justified for her to discuss even these provocative stories, since she does not behave as such anymore, and it is trickily for the purpose Of building a therapeutic relationship with her clients. The details of Dry. Tens therapy are unknown to Lincoln Park High. However, based on the variety of gifts Dry. Teen has received from her students in appreciation of her services, the school is confident in her abilities and progress with the students. As far as the faculty is aware, Dry. Teen has been successful in maintaining student mental health. Students that have benefited from counseling possess an overall more positive attitude towards school. Ethics Code Violations: In therapy, there is a thin line between being an effective therapist, and being professional therapist. Dry. Tens behavior represents a lack of professionalism that violates various ethical codes set out to prevent this type of relationship. A core code Dry. Teen violates is 3. 04: Avoiding Harm. The code states, Psychologists take reasonable steps to avoid harming their clients/patients, students, supervises, research participants, organizational clients, and others with whom they work, and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable (Fisher, 2013). Dry. Teen defies this code in various aspects of her practice. For example, she shares personal and revocation stories about herself, invites clients to her home, and offers her cell phone number for additional therapy benefits. In doing so, Dry. Teen is transforming what is supposed to be a professional relationship into a more personal connection. For the students who are seeking mental health care, this can prove more harmful than helpful to their overall well-being. In line with code 3. 04, Avoiding Harm, is Principle A: Beneficence and Malefaction of the General Principles of Psychology. This principle reflects a psychologists dual obligation to strive to do good and avoid doing arm Y promoting the welfare of others, treating people and animals humanely, increasing scientific and professional knowledge of behavior an peoples understanding of themselves, and improving the condition of individuals (Fisher, 2013). By forming an unprofessional relationship with her students, Dry. Teen is neither striving to do good nor avoiding harm. Her closeness with these young and impressionable teens is not promoting their welfare. Instead, Dry. Teen appears to be too focused on bonding with students and forming a rec iprocal relationship, when her true responsibility would be solely dedicated to the client. Dry. Tens relationship with Anna proves particularly harmful. By sharing intimate stories about her past, she is setting a poor example for Anna. It is clear Anna considers Dry. Teen a role model. Although Dry. Teen may have pure intentions by sharing provocative stories about her past, in turn, she is harming Anna by suggesting this behavior is acceptable, and even encouraged. While Dry. Tens ability to offer Anna a safe place to seek comfort and support is commended, the example she sets is not. Moreover, a multiple relationship is defined by when a psychologist is in a professional relationship with a person and at the same time is in another role with the same person (Fisher, 2013). The behaviors mentioned above, including providing students with her cell phone number and sharing personal stories about herself, signifies a friendship, not the role of a psychologist. Dry. Tens actions violate Code 3. 04, Multiple Relationships. Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects in the role of a psychologist is maintaining the ability and restraint to separate ones personal life from ones professional endeavors. The fact that Dry. Teen and Anna share many of the same experiences, in particular the traumatic car accident, can serve as both a positive and a negative influence on both partys mental health. On one hand, Dry. Teen possesses the proper empathy and understanding of Annas situation, and can foster the most effective coping strategies. In turn, Anna can take solace in knowing that Dry. Teen has endured a similar experience to her, and has been successful in overcoming such an obstacle. Yet, if Dry. Teen does not approach this sensitive issue properly, the outcome may prove detrimental to both hers and Annas health. Code 2. 06: Personal Problems and Conflicts highlights the suggested course for a psychologist to take when dealing with this type of situation. The code states, (a) Psychologists refrain from initiating an activity when they know or should know that there is a substantial likelihood that their personal problems will prevent them from performing their work-related activities in a competent manner (Fisher, 2013). According to professional ethics, research indicates that certain stressful life events can hinder a psychologists ability to use their skills competently and effectively. In addition to the violations of the various codes listed above, Dry. Tens relationship with Anna further violates standard 2. 06, as she is required to refrain from activities in which her personal problems may impair her ability to perform. As a psychologist, it is Dry. Tens responsibility to respect the dignity and worth of all individuals appropriately. This includes offering equal services and availability to all students that seek her treatment. Code 3. 01: Unfair Discrimination elucidates on this topic, stating, In their work-related activities, psychologists do not engage in unfair scarification based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic Status, or any basis proscribed by law (Fisher, 2013). Although standard 3. 01 does not require psychologists to offer therapeutic assistance to all individuals requesting mental health services, Dry. Tens role as Lincoln Highs social worker does not offer her this luxury. As the schools sole therapist, she is responsible for counseling each and every student that seeks her help, and providing all students with equal and just care. Selecting certain students and turning away others is a violation of standard 3. 01 , and exemplifies unfair discrimination. Furthermore, Dry. Teen is also in violation of Principle D, Justice, of the General Principles of Psychology. This principle encourages psychologists to strive to provide to all people fair, equitable, and appropriate access to treatment and to the benefits of scientific knowledge and warns psychologists to be aware of and guard against their own biases and the prejudices Of others that may condone or lead to unjust practices (Fisher, 2013). Dry. Tens actions are in clear violation of this principle. Additionally, she is setting a poor example for her students by implying that discriminatory behaviors are indeed acceptable. By selecting certain students to counsel over other students seeking the same treatment, Dry. Teen defies Principle D. An exploitative relationship is defined as taking unfair advantage of or manipulating for their own personal use or satisfaction (Fisher, 2013). Meeting with students in her home on the basis that they bring her gifts as a show of gratitude represents an exploitative relationship. Standard 3. 08 prohibits psychologists from taking unfair advantage of or manipulating for their own personal use or satisfaction of students (Fisher, 2013). Dry. Teen is taking advantage of her students by offering additional services as an incentive to receive gifts. While gift giving and receiving IS not considered a violation, exploiting clients as a means of receiving gifts is. Finally, because of Dry. Teen is a practicing psychologist within a school setting she must be particularly careful with her responsibility to protect the privacy and confidentiality of her students. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FREER) of 1974 outlines several laws In order to promise students privacy within school settings (Fisher, 2013). Specifically, FREER provides certain rights to parents of students that are ultimately transferred to students when they reach 18 years. Such rights include the inability to disclose a students educational record without written permission from the parent or the eligible student (Fisher, 2013). In addition to the diverse guidelines Dry. Teen must adhere to under the ethics code, it is crucial that Dry. Teen is additionally aware of implications such as FREER that impact her job and professional susceptibilities. Celia Fishers, Decoding the Ethics Code, offers a quote by Nicholas Hobbs that captures the tough balance between being an effective psychologist, and adhering to the ethics that surround this task. Hobbs refers to psychology as, a complex field where individual and social values are yet but ill defined (Fisher, 2013). He compares the field to a game, in which must be played fairly and must be given direction and consistency by the rules of the game. Though an individuals values may be ill defined, it is a psychologists responsibility to use these ethical standards as a tool to vegetative through the game of psychology.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Secrets Men Dont Need To Know Essays - Secrets, Secrecy, Health

Secrets Men Don't Need To Know Essays - Secrets, Secrecy, Health Secrets Men Don't Need To Know Secrets men don't need to know Contrary to popular belief intimacy and honesty doesn't mean you should tell all to your partner or potential partner. Sharing too much information can be destructive to a relationship. You might feel better if you spill your guts, but your partner most times ends up feeling much worse. Let's take a look at sexual secrets. Tell only on a need to know basis. You needn't tell your lover how many other partners you have had before he came along, and certainly don't give any details of past experiences. It won't help your relationship and if something happened that has profoundly affected you and/or will continue to have an impact on your life, you should tell your partner. He doesn't have to know that you have dated someone once or twice, but he should be told of a long term or otherwise serious relationship, especially if you were married or engaged before. Withholding information can hurt a relationship if there are serious or ongoing issues between you and your partner. Money is always a touchy subject for couples. Couples should talk with one another about money issues; there should be no secrets when it comes to finances within a serious relationship. When it comes to family secrets, you may want to tell all in a new relationship, but, don't tell how uncle Lou dresses up like Cinderella at the family New Years party after 2 drinks, and sings there's no place like home. The relationship between you and your partner might not last, and how would you like everyone in your Sociology class to know that about dear old Uncle Lou? Keep it to yourself until they are officially in the family. I know you want no secrets between you two from the start, but think first before you turn out your family. Only tell secrets that are pertinent to the situation at hand. Let's move on to personal secrets. If there are any secrets, he should hear them from you. You must use your own best judgement as to how much and how far back you should go when spilling those little secrets. Don't tell him secrets just to get them off your chest, which is not fair to him or yourself. If the secret is a life or death piece of information, he or she certainly has a right to know. If the secret is going to come out eventually, your partner should hear it from you. Revealing secrets can make the two of you closer, but do so slowly and with caution. Trust is something a couple builds over time. Source Woman's own magazine

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Textuality - Definition and Discussion

Textuality - Definition and Discussion In linguistics  and literary studies, the property by which successive sentences form a coherent text in contrast to a random sequence. Textuality is a key concept in post-structuralist theory. In their study Translation as Text (1992), A.  Neubert and G.M. Shreve define textuality as the complex set of features that texts must have to be considered texts. Textuality is a property that a complex linguistic object assumes when it reflects certain social and communicative constraints. Observations The Domains of Texture, Structure, and ContextThe three basic domains of textuality . . . are texture, structure, and context. The term texture covers the various devices used in establishing continuity of sense and thus making a sequence of sentences operational (i.e. both cohesive and coherent). . . .Another source from which texts derive their cohesion and acquire the necessary coherence is structure. This assists us in our attempt to perceive specific compositional plans in what otherwise would only be a disconnected sequence of sentences. Structure and texture thus work together, with the former providing the outline, and the latter fleshing out the details. . . .In dealing with structure and texture, we rely on higher-order contextual factors which determine the way a given sequence of sentences serves a specific rhetorical purpose such as arguing or narrating (i.e. becomes what we have called text).(Basil Hatim and Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator. Routledge, 1997) What Is a Text?There are various senses in which a piece of writing may be said to be a text. The word text itself is the past participle stem of the Latin verb texere, to weave, intertwine, plait, or (of writing) compose. The English words textile and texture also derive from the same Latin word. This etymology of the word text is apparent in expressions that refer to the weaving of a story, the thread of an argument, or the texture of a piece of writing. A text may thus be taken to be a weaving or a network of analytic, conceptual, logical, and theoretical relations that is woven with the threads of language. This implies that language is not a transparent medium through which arguments are expressed, . . . but is interwoven with or provides the very filaments of the substantive arguments themselves.(Vivienne Brown, Textuality and the History of Economics. A Companion to the History of Economic Thought, ed. by W. J. Samuels et al. Blackwell, 2003)Texts, Textuality, and TextureThe p roper business of literary criticism is the description of readings. Readings consist of the interaction of texts and humans. Humans are comprised of minds, bodies and shared experiences. Texts are the objects produced by people drawing on these resources. Textuality is the outcome of the workings of shared cognitive mechanics, evident in texts and readings. Texture is the experienced quality of textuality.(Peter Stockwell,  Texture: A Cognitive Aesthetics of Reading. Edinburgh University Press,  2009) Textuality and TeachingAs I see it, textuality has two aspects. One is the broadening of the objects we study and teach to include all the media and modes of expression. . . . Expanding the range of texts is one aspect of studies in textuality. The other . . . has to do with changing the way we look at texts to combine the perspectives of creator and consumer, writer and reader. Both of these aspects of textuality have to do with helping students open their minds and expand their vision of how texts work and what they do. The larger goal of textuality is the opening of a wider world of culture for students . . ..The study of textuality involves looking at works that function powerfully in our world, and considering both what they mean and how they mean.(Robert Scholes,  English After the Fall: From Literature to Textuality. University of Iowa Press, 2011)  Ã‚   Also Known As: texture

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Research Methodologies Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Research Methodologies - Coursework Example Research Methodology Various tools will be used to collect the extensive sets of relevant data that are required to proceed with the study. The two forms of research are primary and secondary research, where primary is based on questionnaire; interviews and secondary research is based on reports which are already made available through books, articles and internet (Goddard & Melville, 2004, p. 3-4). Research design A research design encompasses procedures and methodologies that are employed to conduct research. The research design defines the type of study: such as descriptive, experimental, semi experimental, correlation and others. Research design is also considered as a systematic and scientific search for precise information on a particular topic. One of the primary reasons for research is to find out the truth which was not revealed in due course of time. Each research has its own objectives and purposes, but in general the key objective of conducting research is to gain new ins ight and is also referred to as exploratory research. In addition, other forms of research are descriptive research, diagnostic research and to test the casual relationship which are conducted in the process of hypothesis testing (Kothari, 2008, p.2).Research design with regards to the study of management style of the supervisors to evaluate the performance of employees at Curry’s PC world is as follows: Research Philosophy: The research philosophy adopted is realism. The realism theory of philosophy was adopted because of its independent nature and is quite similar to positivism and tends to assume a scientific approach. It is mainly used because it underpins the collection of data and thereby understanding the gathered information (Collins, 2010, p.38). Research Approach: The research approach chosen for the study is inductive research approach. Here initial few observations are made and then it moves to broader theories and generalizations. It is also sometimes called the â€Å"bottom up approach.† Conclusions are usually based on premises and also tend to involve certain degree of uncertainty. Reasons for using such approach is that the researcher will be able to draw many approaches on his own as per the convenience of the study and meet with the challenges of the world (Anderson, 2004, p.103). Research strategy: Research strategy is referred to as decision about the tactics of data collection for a given study (Walsh & Wigens, 2003, p.70). The research strategy chosen for the study is through survey approach and case study analysis. Data collection methods: Data will be collected mainly through primary and secondary sources. Primary research will take into consideration the qualitative and quantitative approach. In case of primary research, data will be collected through questionnaires and interviews. For secondary approach, case study analysis will be taken into consideration to analyze the impact of supervisors on the performance of the e mployees at Curry’s PC World. Sampling method is of two types: probability sampling and non probability sampling methods. The study will take into consideration the probability sampling method also known as random sampling (Kothari, 2009, p.60). The study will adopt the simple random sampling technique, in order to gather data for the questionnaire and thereby analyze the result. For the survey, the target group will be the employees of Curry’

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment - Essay Example The AYP must also have its basis on assessments by the state, as well as one additional indicator of academic performance. The objectives also need to be set out with the aim of having all learners gaining at least a proficiency level in the next twelve years, i.e., by the 2013-2014 academic year (Olivert 43). The adequate yearly progress objective also need to be evaluated at the school level, with schools failing to meet the laid down objectives for two years in a row being marked for improvement. The AYP results for the mentioned special groups of children need to be reported as a separate entity, in order to determine whether the student groups were able to meet their objectives for AYP. In addition, at least ninety-five percent of every group needs to participate in these statewide assessments. Finally, states can aggregate their data for up to three years in their determination of AYP. It requires that the states provide for teachers who are highly qualified for all students. E very state also sets its specific standards as to what can be referred to as highly qualified teachers (Olivert 44). The act also requires that states set each of its students one challenging and high standard, although, the curriculum standards need to be applied to all students instead of having varying standards for various students in different areas of the state or other states all together. The Act requires that schools allow military recruiters get contacts for students unless the student does not want to grant access to these recruiters. States also regard this Act as an unfunded mandate because the Act’s main provision requires schools to give standardized tests for the entire state when the year ends (Olivert 69). If schools fail to show any significant improvement in these tests from one year to the subsequent year, they are asked to improve the quality of education that thy offer. This is through hiring highly qualified teachers and providing for private tutoring for the failing students. To continue being the recipients of federal assistance, the states will have to provide plans that show steps being taken to improve education quality in their schools. The Act mandates states to provide funds for the needed improvements and, thereafter, provide appropriate training for the teachers deemed as less qualified (Olivert 69). What are the federal rules regarding Medicaid? How is most Medicaid funding spent? How have states coped with rapid escalation in medical costs? In order to fulfill the statutory purpose of Medicaid in the provision of medical assistance to specific individuals and to participate in the program, all states are required to cover low-income core group individuals (Iritani 34). The minimum eligibility groups have expanded incrementally over time, especially to include pregnant women and children, disabled individuals, the elderly, and parents up to the income levels specified. Another rule requires that the ACA is inclusive of maintenance of effort requirement that keeps CHIP and Medicaid coverage stable until reform expands coverage. The federal government also requires that enrollees to be provided, with a core set of benefits that are mandatory and specific cost sharing protections in order to participate in this program. In addition, the states are largely in charge of determining provider payments within the limits of federal requirements. The federal government requires payments to be consistent with access, quality, economy,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing high street fashions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing high street fashions - Essay Example In the past, high end retailers like those commonly found on High Street in London used to segment their most relevant customers by needs and lifestyle, along with resource availability depending on their social class. However, with rising competition from fast fashion, lower-end retailers acting like high-end fashion retailers, this philosophy has changed. Western models of segmentation such as the VALS2 Network which describes eight different lifestyle and resource tendencies of key markets are not as effective as they once were. This model describes active lifestyles versus more sedentary buyers with traditionalist values, as two examples, in order to help marketers identify with key needs, values and attitudes (Boone & Kurtz 2007). However, the current recession is changing even the buying behaviours of the most elite of customers who are looking for more value in their fashion purchases. Banister & Hogg (2004) identify that self-esteem has been one of the most important motivators for the consumption of symbolic goods, including fashion. Self-esteem, as related to high end fashion merchandise, involves how a consumer feels about the enhancements that fashion clothing adds to their lifestyle or image that directly impacts their final decision to select key branded merchandise. Self-esteem is also comparative to others in society, their own reference groups such as peers and celebrities, that provides the motivation to make high-dollar purchases in order to fit their own mould of what constitutes success and wealth. However, understanding what drives trend-based self-esteem requires a significant investment in primary research, such as the use of questionnaires and surveys, and the information is not beneficial over the long-term due to changing values and social conditions. Companies that are finding themselves with strapped and tight budgets do not have the resource s or the labour investment to conduct complicated psychologically-based primary studies consistently and must find new methods to target and segment their key customers most likely to make purchases and be loyal to the brand. Therefore, segmentation in high-end fashion retailers occurs differently today, amidst a difficult economy with rising competition globally. Geographic segmentation occurs regularly, especially for high-street retailers with a great deal of their support coming from local consumers in the London region with adequate resources to make purchases or those unaffected by the difficult economic conditions plaguing European countries. This is rather straight-forward for many fashion companies as it helps divide catalogue distribution and ensure that the right customers receive this literature to promote products. Today, primarily, marketers use psychographic segmentation strategies to understand buyer behaviour and gain presence in key markets they have

London city Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

London city - Essay Example Its fast-paced growth and advancements helped to produce a community of arts and letters such as had not existed since the Anthens of the fifth century. London is the home of a cultural and educational institution that is clearly depicted by the numerous images around the city. It is a world-class international city like no other as it pulsates with energy of business, style and rich cultural history. It is the home to a wide range of famous and spectacular sceneries such as museums and art galleries that have been in existence ever since the ancient times. Besides this, London is also known for its strengths in the commerce, arts, entertainment, fashion, finance, tourism, transport, and other myriad number of traits Cvetkovic, 2013). The images found along the street are eminently vital as they portray the identity of its people structure and meaning. One of the most striking feature surrounding the London City are the existence of thatched houses which are currently being referred to as cottages. Although being a few in numbers, the thatched houses represent the ancient times where there had not been any advancements in terms of housing. The cottages are described as being small dwellings of traditional build as it was in the olden days. The materials for building a thatched house had caused an alarm as it posed a great threat because of the materials being prone to fire. It is with this profound reason that the government passed on a bill that required its citizens to adapt to brick houses. However, there are still a few thatched houses that have been specifically designed to resemble the traditional ones thereby signifying the culture and traditions of the Britain citizens. London Bridge is another scenario that has caught many eyed due to its magnificent beauty and location. London Bridge is one of the historic sites found in London city and was constructed in the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mid-Term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mid-Term - Essay Example Despite all the pain, the issues of alcoholism, poverty and self-destruction came to an end. A drug called tradition depicts the picture of using hallucinogens, but the visions that these hallucinogens cause on the users in this story shows the culture of the Native American societies, showing how much people in the contemporary society has deviated from the natural ways, taking on to new ways. In this story, Alexie shows that despite the money the Indians were taking from the white man, the ancestors would still laugh at them because they were making a mistake and forsaking their traditions and assimilating the white man’s culture (12). A drug called tradition depicts how sweet life was back when Indians had traditions, comparing it to the feeling of being of high, a sweet and calm feeling, while the normal stressful life is a metaphor symbolizing, The use of Native Americans in advertisements is not justified in any given way since as much as people view it as a way to show zero-racism tolerance, it has its negative implications. For instance, showing that Native Americans have left their traditions and advocating for them to join westernization in the way the best find fit. As such, it is not justified to place the Native Americans on westernized advertisements, since it is an aspect of imperialism, which shows that the Native American way and tradition are inferior to more westernized

Presidency Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Presidency - Research Paper Example Thinking over it, I came to an answer that it is true that there has to be someone special, laced up with every possible leaderful quality that could look in to the country’s affairs and could take a charge of deciding good or bad for its people. But when I went through the constitutional policies of United States of America, I could see some lame constitutions which need to be either rectified or replaced. Its extract is that there is no vital role or power of a President except that he is a well dressed front man representative. In this paper I would discuss that do we actually need any President or not? CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESSES: The Constitution of United States explains there are eleven main duties which has to be done in relevance to the given power and authority to the President of a Country. Constitution says that â€Å"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the ac tual Service of the United States† This explains that a president has to be a military official; can a democratic government handle a dictating official? Secondly since after the Mexican war 1848, United States never had a chance to protect the country and it is accepted that no other country on map can challenge United States in a war, then why do we still need a military person. Constitution says that â€Å"he may require the Opinion in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment† It says that the president has a power to grant pardons, then for what reasons judiciary is there for? And if a president can misuse his power to grant an undeserved individual then isn’t he liable to stand for his account? Moreover, Executive departments are not me ntioned, and why can’t they just refer their current heads of the departments for their check and balance. Constitution says that â€Å"He shall have Power, †¦ to make Treaties, †¦ and he shall nominate, and †¦ shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for†¦all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for† In this constitution, all the power is given to Congress indirectly because whatever decision the President take, has to be approved from the Congress then what is the need of President in between, this could directly be done by a committee formed by Congress. Constitution says that â€Å"he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may a djourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers† It says that a president is liable to call congress before leaving for their home as if they cannot decide for themselves, it is much about ceremonial power; and further more there could be other officials who could go and receive ambassadors, then why president is there to fill in the place. It is obvious that a President could be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mid-Term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mid-Term - Essay Example Despite all the pain, the issues of alcoholism, poverty and self-destruction came to an end. A drug called tradition depicts the picture of using hallucinogens, but the visions that these hallucinogens cause on the users in this story shows the culture of the Native American societies, showing how much people in the contemporary society has deviated from the natural ways, taking on to new ways. In this story, Alexie shows that despite the money the Indians were taking from the white man, the ancestors would still laugh at them because they were making a mistake and forsaking their traditions and assimilating the white man’s culture (12). A drug called tradition depicts how sweet life was back when Indians had traditions, comparing it to the feeling of being of high, a sweet and calm feeling, while the normal stressful life is a metaphor symbolizing, The use of Native Americans in advertisements is not justified in any given way since as much as people view it as a way to show zero-racism tolerance, it has its negative implications. For instance, showing that Native Americans have left their traditions and advocating for them to join westernization in the way the best find fit. As such, it is not justified to place the Native Americans on westernized advertisements, since it is an aspect of imperialism, which shows that the Native American way and tradition are inferior to more westernized

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Jazz is a Unique Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Jazz is a Unique Style - Essay Example The crowd was generally dressed casually and had a wide variety of listeners, ranging from young people to much older ones. What I quickly noticed was that the environment was not as quiet as I had expected it would be. I had done a bit of research into Jazz music prior to the concert and I expected the audience to be dead quiet and listening attentively to the music. This was not the case as part of the crowd was unbearably noisy as compared to other concerts I have been to. This select part of the crowd did not seem to appreciate the truly beautiful music that was being performed. In past concerts I have been in, loud conversations and disruptive noises were not allowed as this was seen to be distracting the performers as well as the audience who were listening attentively. I was amazed though at how well the musicians performed despite this. It was almost as if they had anticipated it. I believe this goes to prove that these musicians can perform anywhere and still do a stellar jo b. The whole time I was there, I listened closely to the music, watched the performer go through the motions and I felt like my mind and emotions wandered in between the melodies. I must admit that I enjoy the guitar most since my childhood, so watching and listening to John Pisano playing it was very rewarding. I got wrapped up in his playing and got a thrill watching him strum the guitar. This song had a constant tempo; it was slow, funky and had an earthy sound to it which made it sound more like the blues.... I had done a bit of research into Jazz music prior to the concert and I expected the audience to be dead quiet and listening attentively to the music. This was not the case as part of the crowd was unbearably noisy as compared to other concerts I have been to. This select part of the crowd did not seem to appreciate the truly beautiful music that was being performed. In past concerts I have been in, loud conversations and disruptive noises were not allowed as this was seen to be distracting the performers as well as the audience who were listening attentively. The only time there was noise was when the performance was over and everyone applauded. I was amazed though at how well the musicians performed despite this. It was almost as if they had anticipated it. I believe this goes to prove that these musicians can perform anywhere and still do a stellar job. The whole time I was there, I listened closely to the music, watched the performer go through the motions and I felt like my mind and emotions wandered in between the melodies. I must admit that I enjoy the guitar most since my childhood, so watching and listening to John Pisano playing it was very rewarding. I got wrapped up in his playing and got a thrill watching him strum the guitar. I was hooked from the very first song they played. This song had a constant tempo; it was slow, funky and had an earthy sound to it which made it sound more like the blues. John Pisano seemed to be improvising during his  solo on the guitar. The bassist was also magnificent on this particular night and his performance was both strong and melodic. This was evident on the second song, in which he actually picked up his bow and employed the arco technique.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Dialectics in Oryx and Crake Essay Example for Free

Dialectics in Oryx and Crake Essay Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s novel Oryx and Crake, is about an anti-utopian society that chronicles the collapse of civilization and corrupt medical practice. The town’s morals are highly questionable, in that the majority of the citizens approve of gene splicing, transgenic animals, like mixing a dog’s genetic code with a wolf, and transplanting animal organs in human beings. The book poses a question of what is truly ethical in medical practice? This story has an immediate correlation to the island of Dr.   Moreau, by H. G. Wells, in which a mad scientist creates a dysfunctional society of genetically spliced transgenic animals as well. Like The Island of Dr. Moreau, Margaret Atwood relies on dialectical elements. Dialectic is a classical philosophy originated by the Greeks that depended on the furthering of society through thesis and antithesis. In modern day it has developed between most scholastics as a fine art of persuasion. It is ever present in Oryx and Crake through the dialectics produced through Crake’s insanity. His main dialectical argument is that society has become morally bankrupt and is due for a change and Crake claims intellectual right over all of man kind. His views are presented as deliriously radical, but there is irony in the fact that the University that Crake attends is named Asperger’s U. A term used to describe people who are usually extremely intelligent and often very eccentric, it be could argued that Atwood hints to imply Crake may be the correct one after all, and that the rest of society is wrong. This virtually tyrannical takeover of both the world and the lives of Oryx and Snowman are done entirely through aggressive persuasion. In the formation of Crake, Atwood creates an insanely ranting lunatic, with whom in the end the reader has no choice but to sympathize. The dialectic argument that is posed here is that the dye is cast. Atwood, acknowledges that our society’s morals tread a fine line from damnation, and she writes a novel that puts us one step over that line. The reader has no choice but to sympathize with Crakes’ actions because he is a product of an unbearable world, not too distant from our own. The novel itself, poses a persuasive argument to the reader, in that all of the occurrences in the plot are rationally plausible. There are scenes in the novel where the two men, Crake and Snowman, are attending college together and enjoying their favorite pastimes. These hobbies include, watching nudie news, live executions, and child pornography. In the beginning moments of the lives of the two main characters, the reader views a demoralized world, in which it appears even the plot’s hero is desensitized to the plight of his society. The ironic and reasonable argument posed is that all of these things they are doing, we can do today in our society. At the same time, child pornography, nude news, and live executions online are all either frowned upon and remotely new to our society. Atwood presents the enjoyment of these practices like they are common occurrences. The same goes for gene splicing. It is widely debated as an immoral and illegal act, but it is reasonable enough to think that with the passing of time eventually a law can be passed to legalize both gene splicing and child pornography. This would inadvertently make the use and distribution of these practice more heavily abundant in society and change the moral makeup of the people as a whole. A third persuasive argument the novel poses, and this is more from a perspective of female empowerment, is the idea of polyandry. It is historically a man’s fantasy and an empowering element for the man, while degrading to the woman, for a man to have two wives. Atwood poses the exact opposing scenario in this novel. On one end the idea of polyandry is implied through the relationships both Snowman and Crake have with Oryx. It is directly inferred to in that the Crakers only breed when they are polyandrous. This like most of the novel is a play on societal norms. Underlying in the dialectic argument of the novel are societal implications. For example, by Atwood calling Crakes’ creations the Crakers, she creates an implied connection on words to the Quakers, who are known for starting their own Christian new world. Crake also embodies the values of real time corporations, in that he creates a medical demand for his products through unleashing a virus. His behavior can only be expected by his inherent capabilities and by him being the product of a moral-less society. Atwood’s novel is also fueled by human nature, the horrific experiences the characters go through and their apathetic reactions actually seem believable because they are so human. An example of this is shown in the scene where Crake has just destroyed society as we know it and snowman watches the devastation on the internet, The whole thing seemed like a movie†¦The worst of it was that those people out there – the fear, the suffering, the wholesale death – did not really touch him (Atwood, 2004). It is ironic that Atwood makes a reference to the end of society being like a movie; this exposes snowman’s adolescent and distant nature, as well as makes him appear more human. This also connects back to the live executions witnessed online earlier in the novel. These are examples of Atwood using real time human tendencies to show her characters’ disenfranchisement from society. The actions following this scene consist of snowman leading the Crakers out into the new world in which they find glow-in-the-dark bunnies running rampant. This is another societal implication in that this was the actual result of transgenic Dr. Eduardo Kac, who spliced rabbit and jellyfish DNA in the year 2000. In sum, the dialectic philosophy is present in Margaret Atwood’s novel, Oryx and Crake in that it poses multiple arguments. It supports these arguments through real-time societal implications, believable characters, and a radical thesis carried out by Crake. Atwood’s literary genius is revealed in the fact that, all three of these elements draw sympathy from the reader, and in effect persuade the reader to believe the rationale behind the destruction of their own society.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

sports management Essay examples -- essays research papers

Sports management is an area of professional endeavor in which a broad classification of sport affiliated careers exists. It is also an area of collegiate professional preparation. Careers in sports management are established in schools, collegiate sports programs, professional sports, amateur sports organizations, commercial sports establishments, sports arenas, etc. One factor of sports management is not only having athletes but also have a place to utilize their talents in. Facility management and marketing play a big role in the sports and computer industry. Facility management involves the co-ordination of the physical surrounding and related services with the user’s needs. In some cases, like privately owned gymnasiums, the facility itself is the service, while for other organizations, such as a boat club with a boat house, the facility is a storage place that aids the delivery of the service. Choosing the correct real estate for a sporting facility is vital to its succ ess. An apparent factor to contemplate is the number and proximity of prospective users. Use of a computer comes in an important role. You can use the computer to find the U.S. Bureau of Statistics printout on local government demographics to determine how many prospective users may be in the area. Other factors to take into consideration when building and managing a facility are the direct costs such as rent, utilities, insurance, physical satisfaction of the building, proximity to staff and suppliers, ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Power and Influence of the Obeah Man and Folk Healing in Jamaican Culture :: essays papers

The Power and Influence of the Obeah Man and Folk Healing in Jamaican Culture Rhetoric of Reggae Term Paper It's late in the 17h century and the Europeans are craving more sugar for their English tea and French coffee. Several islands are â€Å"discovered† in the Caribbean, which appear to have a sugar surplus as well as low occupancy. Now there was tons of sugar but no one to cut down the plants except for Africans rounded up and squeezed into a ship headed towards their new home. Standing shoulder to shoulder with practically no room to breathe, the slaves were hardly thinking about the new diseases they were about to encounter let alone the musical instruments left at home. The only discussions aboard the ship were most likely limited to shouts of defiance or lamentations to gods or ancestors. Once arrived, the Africans strived to rebuild the culture, music, and religion that had been stripped from their lives. Making instruments such as drums and fifes, there was a feeling that the drumming and dancing would institute a feeling of pride and hope in what seemed to be hopele ss times. Music became a form of revolt from the hardship and plantation owners did not want to be bothered with the thought of rebellion and therefore banned the drum as well as allowing slaves to meet others from another plantation. Music wasn’t the only revolt; healing practices that coincided with religious practices were also a part of this revolution. This revolution was to retain their African heritage without fully conforming to their white masters’ ideals. Funerals eventually became the only time at which slaves could meet, which was frequent due to the harsh environment. These funerals were rituals, which involved music, especially drumming. However, funerals weren’t the only musical outlets allowed, other folk religious ceremonies were also practiced. The Myal cult was the first of these folk religions shortly followed by Kumina, Pukumina, Convince, and Zion Revivalist. Each of these folk religions plays a role in the belief systems of Jamaicans and has also played a role in the evolution of early reggae music. Rather than focusing on the religions separately and wholly, I focus on one common characteristic that still exists today in Jamaica as well as all over the West Indies and even in various spots in the southern United States- healing practices and the practitioners.

Friday, October 11, 2019

College Life Unfolded

Many students who graduated in high school are so eager In entering the portals of college life. They think that college is more on good times, more on easy and free from stresses tasks and more. But college Is the exact opposite of what are mentioned. Instead of happy moments, college Is full of pressure and tormenting tasks because at this point In time, you are being equipped with the necessary competencies needed in the field of specialization you have chosen. College students have to mingle with great deal of stress.And, as a college student, this is what I am experiencing right now. After graduating in high school, I really had this Jolt of excitement in entering college. I had these great expectations that more enjoyable scenes will come into my way. I am excited to meet new people, as well as experience its new atmosphere. On my first week as a first year college student, I can say that It was not that difficult. My teachers are tackling the topics we discussed before In high school and I found It quite manageable.Then, as days go by, I realized that we are Just given time to prepare ourselves for more complex and difficult situations. Things are clear to me now, what I am experiencing right now is not the college I have pictured before. New people mean getting along with terror teachers. I came to the point where I really had to weigh things. It is really challenging to choose which among your priorities should be done first. I have to be careful in managing my schedule because a tiny error may destroy everything.It is really stressful to Imagine that everyday I have tons of paper works to do before going to sleep. Oftentimes, I forgot to eat my food when I got home because I have to flash all of my assignments. What adds to the stress Is that It seems Like one day Is not enough to flash all of these paper works. I was not able to sleep early, or If I do, I need to wake up in wee hours of morning to do the activities I was not able to do at night. Most of the times, college students' health were put at risk because of these.I also experienced this scenario where I was not able to attend our family gathering because I need to practice for our presentation. My parents get mad at me whenever I go to somewhere places even though I have no classes. I can't help doing household chores because I need to study for my report. It is really difficult to do your responsibilities at home and at school at the same time. Enjoying and bonding with friends, In college, Is Like walking on the road full of stones and gravels with thorns and thistles.I have a little time In enjoying different extracurricular actively. Though, the school has many actively for students, I still have difficulty in enjoying all of those because what's in my mind is the submission of activities because of the fear that if I do, I will get a failing grade. Most of the times, I feel like I am socially isolated because of my overlapping schedules. Being unable to et their e xpectations bugs me most of the time. As a college student, I often left with no time to myself because of school works.No time to fix yourself well because you are really pressured on accomplishing your tasks. College is not a place where we can do what we want to do easily. College life is not as easy as what we think. We have to warm ourselves up first so that we will not get flabbergasted when storms of school works arrive. Tertiary level is the most critical stage of learning. At this point, training is more intense and learning is more complex. You have to get along with what this stage has rendered because it will help o a lot in industry exposure.College has lots of benefits to give. It develops our confidence in facing different kinds of people. It also teaches us to be self-directed, to learn things by our own. It makes us more mature in facing the different obstacles in life. College has many rewards to give as long as you will not get burnt out on the events soon to arri ve on your way. It may be difficult but on the other side, it is worth our efforts. It is Just a matter of being patient enough. Also, always ask God to give you the strength and skills in accomplishing all of the tasks given to you.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Plan Market Research Assessment Essay

Introduction This Project scope â€Å"Regain† has been designed to involve all stakeholders of D.A. Garden Supplies so that all aspects of the business can be be analysed through collecting invaluable information and data by the research methods below. Our aim is to identify the cause of the problem that the business is going through right now so that future marketing can be targeted accordingly for positive results. With proper research and strategic planning, D.A. Garden Supplies should be able to recover its lost and on its way to a successful future. Preliminary project scope Project name: Regain Project Owner: Even Tan Sponsor: D.A. Garden Supplies Stakeholder: David and Alison Required resources, sample size and research assistance Resources required for the scope research will include human, financial and physical resources. These will be required for each type of data collection as follows: Focus Group – This is a small group of customers in a discussion to focus on the main thought of cause to the problem, the competition. Could be held in the lunch room over a 1 hour period. An external marketing professional would need to be hired to conduct the focus group and 6 participants from the target market would also be required for the discussion. Physical resources required are pens, paper, tea and coffee, brochures of competition and light refreshments. Overall cost including preparation of the focus group would be $550. Survey – After the focus group has taken place the survey can be developed from the data collected. The 5 min survey could be conducted at the local shopping centre focused on surveying a minimum of 30 to 60 people from the  target market over a 6 hour period. An external interviewing professional would need to be hired to conduct the survey and briefed on who to approach and what to say. Physical resources required include surveys, pens, clipboard and a bag to store completed surveys. Overall cost including preparation of survey and external staff would be $450. Research Reports and Internet Research – A specialist market research organisation will need to be hired to conduct this research and for analysing the data from these reports, survey results, interviewed staff and experiment of product. The cost for analysing this data into a detailed report would cost $740. Another cost would be the purchase of secondary data from Ibisworld. The â€Å"Garden supplies retailing in Australia market research report† is $845 and this will provide invaluable information into the industry. Interview Staff – This could be held in the lunch room each one of the 9 staff members should have a half hour interview conducted by external marketing professional. Physical resources required are a questionnaire and light refreshments. The total cost would be for development of the questionnaire and 4.5 hours of interviewing the staff, this would cost $650. Research Method and timeline This research are using both quantitative research and qualitative research, since it conducted surveys, focus group and meetings in order to gather needed information. Using qualitative method such as focus group able us to develop our survey, This way we know we will ask the correct questions that are needed when surveying our customers and potential customers. This method was chosen as it is beneficial in developing a successful survey. Using quantitative method for this research because it is easily analysed using statistical methods. For example, a survey is carried out to obtain information about people, such as their opinions, preferences, attitudes, expectations, likes and dislikes. This method was chosen as it directly targets our customers and potential customers to get their opinions on D.A. Garden Supplies and the competition. This whole research process going to take 2 weeks, that give us, the researcher enough time to analyze the data and come out with a detail solution on the problem. Data gathering Types of data required This research need a combination of data in order to get the best result. Secondary data- this data is information that already exists, information like the â€Å"Garden supplies retailing in Australia market research report† are statistics conducted by government. This resource is easier and cheaper to obtain, and it provide a great insight on the market itself. Primary data- this data does not exist, it requires the researcher to communicating with people or making observation about people and situation in order to generate the data. Although it is much harder and time consuming compare to secondary data, it is the most valuable resource for the company since it targets the specific problem that the company has. Formal Research and informal research- Conducting a survey able to cover a broad range of topics and able to gather as much information as the research need to, Informal research such as asking opinions from staff about the company and customers feedback and analysing the company sales statistics from internal records are the easiest way to gather in the shortest among of time, however, be careful with the data as it might be data that are not as subjective as primary and secondary data. Quantifying the data The sample size is chosen to maximise the chance of uncovering a specific mean difference, which is also statistically significant. The reason larger samples increase your chance of significance is because they more reliably reflect the population mean. Therefore it is necessary to conduct any survey or interview with as many participants as possible that is acceptable under the given financial budget. Data processing method There are some consideration in deciding how to process the data gathered will include: -type of analysis that will be required -the amount of data to be collected -available budget -available time Hiring an analyst able to handle a more complex data, and able to receive the most accurate data in a short amount of time. Less complex data can be dealt with a specialist statistical software, however it requires specific training and the software itself is expensive. Small market research can be dealt with Microsoft Excel as it able to handle basic statistics. Lastly, very basic calculation with small data sets can be undertaken using a statistical calculator. This research includes both quantitative and qualitative data, and result can be complex because it involves personal feelings and opinions from staff and consumers, therefore, hiring a statistician consider as the most appropriate method for this research, as they have the experience to deal with complex data and able to analyze all data and turn it into results that are easy to understand. Although it is expensive to conduct, if this research has done correctly, it could help D.A. Garden Supplies turn into a successful business. Draft Research Objective After our previous consultation and analysing the information in the scope the main objective is to find out if â€Å"the competition was the main cause for the 5% drop in sales† The sub-objectives are; 1) To examine customers and potential customers attitudes on the competition. 2) To identify needs of customers. 3) To determine whether new products need to be introduced. By using market research D.A. Garden Supplies will analyse the competition find the cause of the 5% drop in sales and then use this information to increase overall sales by 10%. Feasibility of the research and Conclusion Focus groups, interviewing staff and secondary data are all forms of exploratory research which essentially gather qualitative data, its findings are inconclusive and should not be used for final or important decision making. Therefore to make a final decision a survey or experiment must be conducted as they are both descriptive research which have quantitative data which makes the findings conclusive and useable. Therefore after analysing the above research methods, it could conclude that the focus group and survey would be the best data collecting methods to use to â€Å"find the cause of the 5% loss of sales profit for D.A. Garden Supplies† as it targets the customers and potential customers directly which will provide information needed to find whether the competition is the main cause. Although for the purpose of this research we will be using all of the research methods above as this will determine a thorough result. With this vital information we can eliminate the cause in future marketing plans making D.A. Garden Supplies sales successful in the future. If you find this project proposal are acceptable, I will need you, the business owner, David and Alison, and all other stakeholders to approve this research proposal.


ALIBUGHA The play â€Å"Alibugha† that we watched last September 11, 2011 at Paco Catholic School was derived from the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The two are almost the same, the only difference was that there were some twists added to the story. In Alibugha, there was a family composed of a father & two sons. The father was a farmer, his older son followed his path and also became a farmer while his other son went to Manila to study because he doesn’t want to be a farmer like them because he thinks that it won’t take him that far and that it won’t make him any richer.His younger son went home one day and asked for his inheritance and went to Manila right after he got it, money is the only thing that matters to him. He spent the inheritance he got from his father to useless stuffs. He even used it to get a girl make out with him. He thought he got the girl pregnant so he married her. They’ve had a daughter and lived together for years until the bo ss of the girl finds out where they live and that they were living together.Her wife had a relationship with her boss before they got together, she left him when they met. Her boss got mad for that and searched for them for years, when he found their location, he made an action immediately. He went there and threatened the girl to go with her but the girl doesn’t want to, so he shot her and he also died in the end. The husband was left with the child he doesn’t even own, he realized how miserable he was after that so he decided to go back to his father and brother and reconcile with them.They accepted him completely, without any hesitation. This story was great. It just teaches us to remember to get back to God whenever we got the wrong path. God is always ready to accept us no matter what we do, we just need to get back to Him and reconcile for our sins and He will immediately accept us. We should follow God’s path because it’s the right path that will l ead us to success.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tax Accountant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tax Accountant - Essay Example Being perfect in mathematics I am keenly interested in this profession. As description, a tax accountant prepares both business and personal tax returns as well; and by calculating appreciation or depreciation the accountant maintain client property records. In addition, as Fitch (2007) states, a tax accountant carries out research in areas of tax law and regulations to recommend changes in accounting practices to reduce tax liability. Not only that, a tax accountant prepares special tax reports and represents the organization /firm at tax hearings (p. 78). So to be clear with all these responsibilities I need to communicate with clients regarding all tax issues, review and monitor the work of junior accountants and interns. As we know that taxation is an always changing field so I would concentrate my work in a particular area. From the above, we can see that different doors open to excel in this field. My strategy through this career would be to become an entrepreneur and open own tax accounting practice. The services would include assistance for the preparation of the annual tax forms for individuals and businesses in addition to advising services in business and personal finance to ensure clients the best possible tax savings and other advantages. This would be useful to rise up the business and to fetch out the skills essential to survive in cut throat competition. Hence, to fulfill my long term plan I am willing to take employment within a large and well established enterprise. Mostly, large organizations, particularly within the financial services industry, a team of accountants are employed exclusively for preparing and recording the firms taxes. According to me, advancing within a field or organization is a better and fruitful choice rather than changing fields. The prominent reason is that I can gain experience and

Monday, October 7, 2019

Enhancing Occupational Safety and Environmental Health while Adapting Essay

Enhancing Occupational Safety and Environmental Health while Adapting to Alternative Fuels - Essay Example Their mass level production can solve this problem. Since 1999 the United States government has been working to promote the alternative fuel program and understands that governmental intervention can fill the gaps between production cost and consumption of alternate fuels. Brief introduction of these fuels is, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro power, solar power, Tidal power, Wave power and Wind power. The purpose of this project is to clarify the positive affects of alternative fuel program. With the usage of different forms of alternative fuels, there will be less of a demand on renewable resources. Most importantly, the dependence on fossil fuels imported fro OPEC. While quantifying the consumption of fossil fuels from around the world, Demirbas (2008) found that "countries in the Middle East to include the Russian Federation hold 70% of the worlds dwindling reserves of oil and gas" (p.3). Therefore, project will demonstrate that with the implementation of alternative fuel programs, it will result in safer working conditions for employees and a significant reduction of environmental degradation. Bio-fuel may be defined as a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel that is derived from relatively freshly dead biological materials and can be distinguished from fossil fuels, which are derived from long dead biological material. Theoretically, bio-fuels are produced from any (bi... ned as a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel that is derived from relatively freshly dead biological materials and can be distinguished from fossil fuels, which are derived from long dead biological material.Theoretically, bio-fuels are produced from any (biological) carbon source albeit; the most common sources may be the plants. Various plants and plant-derived materials may be used for the production of bio-fuel. Globally, biomass fuels are being most commonly used for the purpose of cooking and heating of homes and larger facilities. In European countries, more than 25% of heating is done with bio-fuels, including wood pellets, wood and chips. In Sweden, over 35% of all facilities are heated with biomass fuels which are incinerated in central biomass boilers at over 90% efficiency. Bio-fuels can also be used to generate steam and create electricity, and converted into a liquid or gas for use in motor vehicles. The process of conversion of biomass into electricity or into a liquid or gaseous form generally requires electricity that is mostly produced with coal. The efficiency of biomass to produce electricity, liquid bio-fuels, and gaseous bio-fuels consumes only 25-35% of the energy content of the originally biomass feedstock. This project is aimed at looking at all these aspects from occupational safety and ecological point of view. Topic and Brief Literature Review The topic of this Capstone research paper will be Enhancing Occupational Safety and Environmental Health while adapting to Alternative fuels. Below is an abbreviated list of sources that have been reviewed. 1- Pahl G. (January 2007). , in his book titled, "The Citizen-Powered Energy handbook. Community Solutions to a Global Crisis"

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Bullying behaivor in adolescence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bullying behaivor in adolescence - Essay Example Victims of bullying can suffer from behavioural and emotional problems. Examples can be loneliness, depression, anxiety and also low self-esteem. Their researched showed that any individual involved with bullying, those that bully, victims of bullying and those that are bullied and bully all are susceptible to falling into depression. Hence there is even a greater essence to try and understand bullying and therefore try to contain bullying and its effects. Physical bullying is the most common form of bullying. This happens when children use physical altercations to gain power and control over their peers. Physical bullies tend to be bigger in size, stronger and much more aggressive. This type of bullying is the easiest to identify and also historically it has received much more attention from school administrators and teachers (Cambridgeshire county council 2013). The second form of bullying is verbal bullying. In this type of bullying the perpetrators use words, statements and also name-calling to gain power and also control over their peers. It is very common for verbal bullies to use insults with an aim of belittling, demeaning and/or hurting another person. These bullies are likely to pick their victims based on their appearance, actions or behaviour (Cambridgeshire county council 2013). The third one is relational aggression which is a form of bullying or manipulation where teenagers try to hurt a friend or a peer or hurt their social standing. Relational bullies often banish others from their group, spread rumours and innuendos and also manipulate situations. Their goal is to increase their social standing by controlling the other person (Cambridgeshire county council 2013). The fourth form of bullying is known as cyber bullying. This form of bullying involves when a teenager uses the internet, a mobile phone or another technological device to threaten,